The Difference is inside.
Our Unmatched, Robust 7-Stage Filtration Process
All other systems on the market have around 4 types of filtration media and some of them count the presediment filter as one of the filtration stages. The AquaOx combines 6 different types of media inside, an automatic backwashing head, and Double Vortech plates that keep the media separated so you are guaranteed the best filtration every time. The system ships with a Presediment filter as well to catch sediment before it enters the system. Needless to say, AquaOx delivers premium filtration for years. Scroll over the tank to see the difference.
Pre-Sediment Filter
Refines the water, traps sediments and removes larger solids such as dirt, hair, rocks, etc. (included for wells only)
KDF® 85

Refines the water, traps sediments and removes larger solids such as dirt, hair, rocks, etc.
Removes chloramines, hydrogen sulfide, and VOCs.
Removes chlorine, chlorinated solvents and VOCs.
Removes suspended material and turbidity, causing less pressure loss.

Watch live as we show you the power of the AquaOx turning yellow water clear!

Science and Technology
working together to design a whole house water filter using the best of today’s technological advances.
- Through proper stacking and superior media, we have produced a filtration powerhouse.
- Double Vortech tank using Vortech technology increasing backwashing efficiencies, preserves media life and prevents channeling.
- Filtered water from every sink. Forget running to the refrigerator for your nightly glass of water; any sink in your home will do.
- Your skin has never felt this good. When you shower in water that is better than bottled water, your skin feels refreshed and renewed.
- Breathe easier. No more breathing in chemicals like chlorine while you shower. AquaOx removes these harmful chemicals from every breathe you take.
10 Year Warranty
with no replacement filters
Automatic backwash system
Veteran Owned
Designed in the usa by veterans
Lowest Lifetime Cost
Our system outlasts the competition 4 to 1
What it removes
These are just a few of the contaminants that the AquaOx filters out of your water. (if you don’t see your contaminant in this list, live chat us or call (803) 369-6956 to ask about your contaminant.)
- 1,1-Dichloroethylene
- 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
- 1,1,2- Trichloroethane
- 1,2-Dibromo
- 1,2-Dichloroethylene
- 1,2-Dichloropropane
- 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP or C3H5CI3)
- 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
- 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
- 2,4,5-TP (silvex)
- Alachlor
- Arsenic (organic complexes)
- Atrazine
- Benz(a)anthracene
- Benzo(a)pyrene
- Benzene
- Beryllium
- Bromate
- Bromodichloromethane
- Bromoform
- Carbofuran
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Chloramines
- Chlordane
- Chlorine
- Chlorine Dioxide
- Chlorobenzene
- Chloroform
- Chlorite
- Chromium (organic complexes)
- cis-1,2- Dichloroethylene
- Dalapon
- Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate
- Di(2ethylhexyl)phthalate
- Dibromochloromethane
- Dichloroacetic Acid
- Dinoseb
- Dioxin(2,3,7,8-TCDD)
- Diquat
- Endothall
- Endrin
- Ethylbenzene
- Ethylene Dibromide
- Haloacetic Acids (HAAS)
- Heptachlor
- Heptachlor Epoxide
- Hexachlorobenzene
- Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Iron
- Lead
- Lindane
- Methoxychlor
- Nickel
- O-Dichlorobenzene
- Oxamyl
- p-Dichlorobenzene
- Pentachlorophenol
- Picloram
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- S-chloropropane (DBCP)
- Simarzine
- Styrene
- Tetrachloroethylene
- Toluene
- Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
- Toxaphene
- Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene
- Trichloroethylene
- Trichloroacetic Acid Acetic Acid
- Xylenes
All these contaminants are removed by our line of whole house water filters.
Your Health Know The Risk Contaminants Carry Through Unfiltered Water Systems
With modern life being what it is, there are a lot of chemicals that get into your water supply.
A great many of those can have really bad effects on your health. With the young and the old being particularly at risk. All living things have different levels of sensitivity to their environment.
With older and younger people being most sensitive in general.
Naturally there are those with certain medical conditions that become even more sensitive to their environment.
Water, and its purity being a big part of that.
We drink it, wash with it, bathe in it. So we owe it to ourselves to ensure we have a good quality supply of pure water. For everything we use water for.
Lead And Water Supply Contaminants There Are Places With Higher Risk Than Flint MI
Likely you have awareness of the issues that happened in Flint, Michigan.
That the residents of the city had shocking levels of lead in their water, as the city cut costs wherever it could due to economic crisis. The water was brown coming from the taps of citizens.
It smelled terrible.
And people knew there were problems with it that would cause health risks.
That situation did get addressed. And Flint is now recovering, though it will take a long time. From some of the contaminants, there is little opportunity for recovery though. Once ingested, they are in.
The issue goes way beyond Flint MI though.
Studies by Reuters have found 3,810 areas in the US with water supply lead levels, twice that of Flint.
In addition to this the Environmental Working Group has reported finding 40,000 water systems (81% of the total) with contaminants linked to cancer.